Active Ingredient : 200 g/l Tebuconazole + 120 g/l Azoxystrobin
Formulation : Suspension concentrate (SC)
Method Of Application
Preparing the Plant Protection Product for Aoolication:
The plant protection product calculated over the recommended dose is first mixed with some water in a separate container. The tank of the application machine is half filled with water. While the mixer of the machine is in operation, the mixture is added to the tank. Continuing to mix, the tank is completed with water. The mixing process is continued until the application is completed. Use the prepared plant protection product on the same day.
Before the application, the sprayer must be calibrated. The amount of mixture should be adjusted to provide a good coating in applications. Applications should be made during cool hours of the day in windless or slightly windy weather conditions.
Cleaning the Spraying Machine:
Immediately after the completion of the application, safely empty the tank of the sprayer. After filling the tank with clean water, run the mixer and spray system to ensure that all parts are washed. Do not wash near water sources. Do not discharge washing water and waste into water sources.
Usage of the Plant Protection Product:
Applications against powdery mildew in nightshades in tomato (greenhouse) and pepper (greenhouse) should be done when the first signs of disease are seen in the greenhouse.
It is started to be applied when signs of disease against powdery mildew are seen in cucumber (greenhouse) cucurbits. Depending on the severity of the disease, climatic conditions and the effectiveness of the plant protection product, the applications should be continued with an interval of 10 days. The application is interrupted when the daily average temperature is above 27 ? and the relative humidity is below 50%. A maximum of 3 applications should be made in a greenhouse.
Information on Resistance:
The plant protection product named MAICO® is a fungicide classified as Groups G1,3 and C3,11 according to its mechanism of action. Repeated applications of plant protection products with the same mechanism of action encourage the development of resistance. Therefore, in order to delay the development of resistance, do not exceed the recommended total number of applications of MAICO® in the same production season. In cases where the application needs to be repeated, pay attention to the use of plant protection products with different mechanisms of action (except Groups G1,3 and C3,11).
Compatibility: It is recommended to make premix trials before mixing large quantities for application.
Detailed Table Information
Cucumber (Greenhouse) | Cucurbit powdery mildew (Erysiphe cichoracearum) | 125 ml/100 L water | 3 days |
Tomato (Greenhouse) | Powdery mildew on nightshades (Leveillula taurica) | 125 ml / 100 L water | 3 days |
Pepper (Greenhouse) | Powdery mildew on nightshades (Leveillula taurica) | 125 ml / 100 L water | 3 days |